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Number Plates
If you’ve brought your bike from a foreign country, and you plan on using it for more than 30 days, you need to get a spanish license plate.
- First of all, you need a “Certificado de Conformidad” (certificate of conformity) from the bike manufacturer. If the bike is already approved in Europe there shouldn’t be any problem.
- Next you need the “Ficha Técnica” (the bikes’ technical data document). The documents which describes the brand, model, and technical data specifications of your vehicle. You can either ask the bike’s manufacturer for one, or ask an ITV (Vehicle Technical Inspection) technician to do it for you (costs money). It is very important that the technical data sheet shows CO2 emissions of the bike.
- With your NIE and Data Sheet you need to go to any ITV station (a place where all vehicles in Spain take yearly technical tests) and pass this test (lights, suspension, c02 emissions, horn, turn signals, etc)
- Once you pass this ITV text, you can then ask for your new number plates. You can find out more about the ITV here. Once you pass the Itv inspection, youll receive the “Tarjeta de Inspección Técnica de Vehículos” or ITV card.
- Before you ask for your license plates you need to pay both Traffic forms and taxes. Only then you’ll receive the “Permiso de Circulación” and your number plate.
Are there any “temporary license plate”
Yes, and it grants you with a further 60 days license plate. You can also have your bike insured in Spain with such a license plate.
This is normally called the “Green license plate”.
You wil need the same documents as in obtaining the spanish license plate, so decide if you prefer a temporary license or not.
If you need to extend the 60 days limit, you can do so, but you’ll have to prove you were unable to obtain the definitive license plate due to external causes (not because of your fault)
Or “inspección Técnica de Vehículos” (Technical Vehicle Inspection) is mandatory to determine your “foreign” bike passes every requisite needed to circulate in Spain. In UK it’s called Mot, and in Germany Tüv.
If your bike is not available in Spain, you will also need a technical match from the Ministerio de Industria (Spanish Government’s Department of Industry)
You may find it easier, though more expensive, to have a private Company do it for you. There are lots of them and can do all the paperwork for you.
When you need to pass the ITV inspection, remember to carry with you both the “Ficha técnica” (Technical data sheet), your insurance policy, and the «Permiso de Circulación» (a document that demonstrate you are the legitimate owner and the bike has passed the lates techincal test).
More info at http://itv.com.es/
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